Wednesday, November 19, 2014

a great film that make you think about the society

This year I see a movie that make you think about the society, family and jobs... the name of the movie is Ressources humaines, I saw this movie because in a subject their request me see the movie for the exam. I saw Ressources humaines in the same university with my classmates. And like never before, I see a movie very quiet and attentive. I don´t know the genre of the movie, maybe is drama I think. The movie is filmed in France I think
Well, there is Frank Verdau, a lawyer in process of graduation ... He goes to the factory where his father works (he is only a workman) and get a job in the high command of the company. Also, since the arrive of Frank to the factory, the boss has a problem with the trade union of the company. Until workers go on strike and star the break.
The part that I most like of the movie is when Frank confronts his father, because the "old man" wanted to continue working, although the misery of his work. Frank throws down the instruments with which his father worked, and will fray on his face, the shame that he have for be the son of a laborer and be raised for get beof the high command of the factory and give orders to the workers. I was so excited to see that part of the movie, I love it.
the movie is a critique to the system of business and the liberal and neoliberal system that impairs the living of each of us.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Canito lover :)

Hi everyone, today I´m going to talk you about doggy that changed my life c:
I love the animals and I think that the people who have an animal allows us be more expressive in our feelings and with the care that he needs we are more responsible because we have look to other, not only us.
In the picture it is a dog named Canito, we put it this name because we could not think in that moment a decent name with my family when we found the dog jajaja.
He comes from the streets, and for being so sweet, tiny and adorable principally, we took him to our house. Canito is with us about 6 years ago, but he have to share his house with Nona, it is the other animal that we have in home, is also a dog, it have about fourteen years, it is so time. We pass so many rages with Nona because is so stubborn and obstinate, always ignore the orders especially when I command something :c
When Canito came home, was difficult for both (Nona and Canito) of them to adapt to the new company, especially in the moment to share the House when their sleeping, but with a few weeks it solved.
At present, on mornings when Canito manage open the door, he runs to my room and he wakes me. Is so lovely …. Obviously I give to him all the love that I can, he deserves it 

Friday, October 17, 2014

readying nice books!!! :DDDDD

Like we all know, I love read short stories especially about horror, mystery and about police records. So, when I have to study a lot this is the only way to scape for the boring books of the university, I’m not saying that all books that I read in the university are boring but read books about mystery is so cool. At the present I´m reading a book named “Narraciones extraordinarias ”  of Edgar Allan Poe. In this book we have about twelve short stories but I don’t know what is the most story there I like, because I like it all stories. Every time there I read “Narraciones Extraordinarias”, makes me love the book again and again…. and more, that is the special of this book and it surprise to me, because is the only book that I read more than two times.
I read this book about six times and in this moment I am on the “Los asesinatos de la rue Morgue”. Well, making memory… I am read about Edgar Allan Poe a lot, I remember only one book there I´m not finished. I don’t know the name because I’m awful for names but the story is about a private detective who has to look for the son of a rich family, for him to cares of the family business.          

 you can read to this book!!! c:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Halloween!!!! :D

Since 5 years, with my friends celebrate in my house on this date, this is the unique day that I can say I really like party, because I like decorated my house in that way and have weird colors and forms in our drinks and food. On this day I invite all my friends especially of the neighborhood because they are my best friends. I always like to use the clothes of a pirate, I don’t know why but I will continue doing this. 
We put strangers’ songs and sinister music that in the end of the day cause a lot of laughter. 
It is special because although we are used to not go trick-in the homes of my neighbors, we deliver candy when children knock on the door, on my door jajaja. All my friends open the door and attend the kids, and give strange candies that we purchase in that evening. Unfortunately as I live in a little condo, are slowly knocking on my door, there come only fewer children, that is so sad. But we equally continue celebrating in the party with the same attitude. On Halloween although we have different lights in the living room, black material that is perceived and generated a little scary. Is something new for a party don´t you think?
I also like this date because all children are happy in the streets, often accompanied by their parents or by someone mayor.
That’s way I like this day and this celebration.         


Thanks for this special and memorable celebration.  

Friday, October 3, 2014

a friend who all people wants

Today I'm going to talk you about a good friend that I have. His name is Jonathan, I met him about the 2006 and in that moment he lives in the same neighbourhood that I live. I met Jonathan because he was a friend of a friend named Tomas, their playing football principally and make some mischief on the same neighbourhood all time. Like an anecdote, I was dating with her sister a lot of time, about two years, this create a stretch union, he is like mi second brother. 
We steel being the same friends that we were children. I know him about eight years and I can say how he is going to react or respond in any moment, but always something happens that I surprised, like when we went to a party about two weeks with his friends and he dance with the most beautiful lady, he is so shy that when that happens we all in the party surprised.     

We have in common a lot of things like the way of think, about the solutions of problems, politics and we share the interest for pass a good time and the sports. And the most important we like have a conversation with a beer in our hands, that is a touch that define and characterize us.
In fact we talk every days and actually we often going to party together, he is my best friend. We see occasionally, principally when we need to say something important about problems in the house or in the university associated to studios or fillings with a girl or with some freak ideas.    

In the photo we were seen the game of Chile v/s Spain in a bar

Friday, September 26, 2014

The importance of Gabriela Mistral

Who was this person... Her rial name was Lucila de María del Perpetuo Socorro Godoy Alcayaga.
One of the most important women that the country had I think, and the only woman that had received a Premio Nobel, specifically of Literature on 1945. She was an outstanding poet, but she was not important only in that area, there actions in the movements feminist and in the politic where so important in the epoch. In fact, when she died, in the testament she left stipulate that part of her money where destined for the poor children’s of Montegrande in Chile.

In this action we can see her great heart and the passion that she had for the reading and compassion for the people who need it most. It is a legacy that not all Chilean people know.

I think that Gabriela Mistral is an important person because was a famous person that have the courage to confront machismo dominant in Chile, specifically I that epoch.

If she was alive I would like ask how her could did to educate and have that critical thought’s about the persons and the system in which she lived. 

Like I say, she was an important person in the feminist movements, in fact some people thought he had an affair with the north American Doris Dana but this is only rumors. The important that she was a person who brought out the strength and importance that could come to have any woman include in the works named “for men’s” like be president of a country.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Yu-Gi-Oh boy :)))

When I was a child.. In that time.. I had about 9 years old when I started watching Yu-Gi-Oh!. I saw this program all days before I went to school. But like other things, this program I like to see with my brother, if we don`t see Yu-Gi-Oh! The day was terrible. This program was about play cards in a duel, which cards came to life in the battle. The monsters were so funny and with a image so significant that it was the only program that I like.
The principal personage was Yūgi Mutō, he plays with his cards with passion and love.  His adversary was Seto Kaiba, he always wants to challenge it because in that way he feels superior and invincible. He likes all kind of dragons cards, he have two “Blue-Eyes White Dragons”. When the series draw on, he obtain the third dragon and get mixed the three dragons .. the “Blue-Eyes ultimate dragon” it was so strong so powerful and with this dragons he could win a lot of duels, but he worst nightmare was Yūgi J     
The monster that most like of
Yūgi was the “Dark Magician”. It was the most powerful magician that can exist, this respect in his attack like his defends and other power occult.
When I see the movie I be in love with this series, in fact the last year I ask to me about this movie and I see it, and it continues likes
If I see again the movie I came back to mi infancy c: